
Il noleggio New House

New House ha rinnovato il suo sito per assistere sempre più da vicino il cliente e avvicinarlo al settore dell'edilizia modulare.

A new website to confirm the identity and values of always

New House has renewed its site to assist customers more and more and bring them closer to the modular building sector.


Infopoint | Temporary Shop | Sea Solutions | Kiosk Bar

Insulated prefabs

Constructions capable of combining ease of execution and high degrees of comfort

Modular prefabs

The individual basic components, can be joined together.

Prefabricated sports centers

Sports and prefabs: a winning match!

Prefabricated bar kiosks

Parks, beaches, historic centers, events of various types and varied nature.

Sea Solutions

A whole range of prefabricated beach cabins, beach shower stalls, toilets, and washrooms.

Prefabricated toilets for events

Prefabricated outdoor toilets are suitable for events of all kinds.

Domino: revolution in the design concept

Infopoint | Temporary Shop | Soluzioni Mare | Chiosco Bar

Happy Holidays

From December 24 to January 6 inclusive, we are closed for holidays. Any inquiries and communications will be taken care of when we reopen.