Reporting Failure to Comply with the Corporate Gender Equality Policy.

Welcome to the reporting form dedicated to violations of New House's Corporate Gender Equality Policy. This tool was created to enable all employees, contractors and third parties to report any behavior or situations that do not comply with the principles of equality and inclusiveness set forth in our corporate policy.

By completing the form, you will help New House maintain a fair and respectful work environment and actively contribute to the continuous improvement of business practices. Please provide as much detail as possible to enable an accurate assessment of the report.

Reports will be treated confidentially and will be handled in accordance with current privacy and data protection regulations.


The reporting person is not required to fully substantiate what he or she is reporting, but reports should be as circumstantial as possible in order to enable fact-finding by the recipients. At the same time, reporting parties are urged NOT to implement investigative activities that may expose them individually. Reports of a personal nature, e.g., pertaining to one's employment contract, which are governed by other procedures, do not fall within the scope of this form.


In case of unfounded Reports, made in bad faith or for the sole purpose of harming the whistleblower or others, there is criminal and disciplinary liability for which the Company reserves the right to take action in defense of its interests and to protect the injured parties.

Click the blue SEND REP ORT button to complete and submit your report.

Report sent successfully

Your report will be taken care of by the appropriate department, you may now close this page.

Happy Holidays

From December 24 to January 6 inclusive, we are closed for holidays. Any inquiries and communications will be taken care of when we reopen.